What you see, isn’t there.

Chitranki Bharadwaj
1 min readJan 20, 2020

We people visualise things not with our eyes but through our past experiences, knowledge, backgrounds, social encounters.

That becomes the basis of our self-created rule(s) of thumb and we start locating these patterns on our future map. The more amount of familiarity it has, the more contented one is. And once these patterns are broken or there is even a slight mismatch, our brain alerts us with the signal of error, error, error!!!

My question is- how justified it is to match our history of patterns(expectations) with our future, future that no one has experienced yet. Don’t you wanna give a chance to let it unfold itself without having preconceived notions in mind.

Skip for the shortcuts your brain has created for you and embrace the new comings as it is. Don’t make any guesses on what you see. If it doesn’t make sense now, discover WHY instead of trying to use the formulas you have used so far.

This time you may not discover, but invent a new rule of thumb.

